ISO Certified
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Unprecedented experience
Since 1879
Iron and steel castings
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What a three days it was in Milwaukee for the annual American Foundry Society Metalcasting Congress. Lawton Standard was part of the three-day event which ran April 22nd -April 24th at the Baird Center. Lawton and its family of companies had a great time interacting with old friends and making new connections at the event....
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The Lawton Standard Co. has recently combined with Renaissance Manufacturing Group (RMG) and its 160 team members as part of its expansion strategy. RMG has locations in Anniston, Ala., Grafton, Wis., and Menomonee Falls, Wis. The ductile iron foundry is at the Anniston location. Grafton is home to the machine shop. The sales office is...
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A simple list of commonly used terms in a foundry setting (in order of use): Pattern – The wood, metal, foam or plastic shape used to form the cavity in the sand. A pattern may consist of one or many impressions and would normally be mounted on a board or plate complete with a runner...
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What is foundry sand? Where does foundry sand come from? Foundry sand is a high-quality silica sand that is used for casting and molding processes in the metal casting industry. The sand is typically made from high-quality silica and is specially designed for use in foundries. Foundry sand is produced by crushing and screening sand...
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Don’t forget to subscribe! Today we will briefly go over one of the tools in my industrial engineering toolbox. That tool is Plant Simulation software, specifically the one we’ve utilized is Siemens Technomatix Plant Sim. What is PlantSim? PlantSim is a PLM software that allows us to simulate simple and complex production flows completely on...
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We asked RJ Hawkins, our Platform Engineering Manager, to weigh in on where our engineering team currently stands and what growth he would like to see. He explains that our team today has a vast amount of practical knowledge, which most of them acquired through years of experience in the foundry business. Overall, RJ believes...
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During times of increasing uncertainty and change, it appears that there is safety in numbers. Having a family of five foundries has enabled Lawton Standard to weather the pandemic, a major recession, labor shortages, and a war that has caused shortages and large swings in the prices of raw materials. As the Chief Technical Officer...
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Lead times vary by product, industry, and material. Some Lawton foundries have found that their customers aren’t putting in orders soon enough to compensate for those longer lead times. And we know we’re not alone. Today, we’ll take a quick look at what lead times are, why they’re so long, and what we can do...
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